In November nearly over, then flash back on in November dikehidupanku imagine the first is a sweet movie with a romantic movie November the main character is cute and beautiful, the moon invented kakaku with her boyfriend, of course, who did not realize I knew from his diary accidentally read by me, by then I was still very boy, was so interested in the paper colorful, fragrant fruit and there are bling bling dicovernya, located just below the pillow to sleep, then my hand accidentally roam there to look cool in the daytime effects after being forced by neneku nap. Hahahah small bandit base is if I remembered first, then I do not understand the word was invented what it means. In November also experienced resign from a job because they feel bored, spend the night in the hospital, breaking the same boyfriend, met the former, is complete. An event which until now has never happened to me, but very reasonably experienced by young women my age, the 'reverse' the same ex-boyfriend. Nothing in my dictionary first time even now called 'feedback', as indeed all the former I do not have a very, very I like. Hehehehe ... track recordku eyes of friends is a true player. Well it's up to is what they said, to quote my grandmother said, indifferent aja, memangnya starve if we ask them. The nature of the existing players and teaser to me may be reduced from neneku that, in addition to the word zodiac is influenced by a lot of people are the types pengoda. Honestly, who the hell would mutually boyfriend constantly, in a year can be up to three times normal for me, as long as there is no better match ends yes, yes to. Anyway from the beginning we invented the first I do not have any sense I'm the same guy who shot it. not that I do not ever really like the same person, but in fact every time I'd like the same person, even if we had never been invented, precisely those who became my boyfriend lainnlah, hahahaha, weird but yes gitulah approximately percintaanku life. The more we get older, more mature thought, the more sharply in the analysis, so lately I can conclude why it happened. Gini So, whenever I like it at a 'poor man', I can not be yourself, for example changing so quiet, embarrassed, speechless, shy, just 180 degrees different from myself who I really chatty, cheerful, intelligent debate, rame and the like lah. Sometimes the person I want the most is the person I'm better off without, only now I understand why we had never been invented, over time it turns out I was better off without you and you. To date, twenty middle diusiaku reply, just felt really fall in love just three times, the rest I do not know what it is. Last girlfriend in the opinion of the people closest to the best boyfriend ever tie, I do not know I do not feel the same love he tu. Only when I lose it, as there are empty in this body, trying to find pleasure with friends in the singles, looking for new gebetan, even dating again, but it seems there is a vacuum. Trying not to get too feel the empty space, life must goes on, anyways I myself do that memeutuskan to remove it, so do not be regret.
Fikri Nuryansanata Andromeda, 26 years old Sagittarius stars, blood type O, the hobby of racing, basketball, playing guitar, an electrical engineering major state university in Java, always write his name by always abbreviating the middle name because it embarrassed by his middle name that sounds like a woman. Fikri N Andromeda, always introduce yourself by name Fikri, a small call Ryan at home, and call my love for him is bebong. Initial encounter with it is fitting junior, was based on his confession, but if remember remember swear I do not remember her ma. Ryan's two junior high school level upon me now. Maybe Ryan's first time saw fit junior high, but for me the first time I saw, really saw ya, mmm approximately two or three college level yes, hehehehe bad memory. Still based on the recognition of Ryan, the second time we met was at the level of high school, high school at that time Ryan held a contest among high school teams consisting of various branches. Ryan's third grade, I was first class, Ryan as a basketball player defends his team, I am a super supporter opponent Rese. School basketball team and Ryan are bitter enemies, but this year a special fitting this year that lowered the reserve team because my school kept the core team to pertandiangan greater. Ryan knows the game so not deh spirit, feeling not find the game a draw and less adrenaline, he said. I'm only a freshman boy, which understand that, which I know is a supporter who was always outspoken member of the spirit, shouting slogans, cheering for the opposing team huuuu, yes something like that. Our first quarter results are superior, yipiie, excellence of our team makes Ryan heat, fire beard (although at that time Ryan had only a thin goatee.) Angered by the supporters of Rese, because his opponent managed to set fire to the spirit of the team, Ryan was so motivated to play more serious. Apparently Ryan secretly targeting supporters Rese culprit was, and That was me. The final result of our teams lose, the match was won by Ryan with his team chases exciting score in each quarter. At the end of the match Ryan came over (again I can not remember this incident, I guess Ryan just reverse the incident, but after I asked with my friends who was also present there, it turns out the same story as told Ryan, I baget this lousy phuih ), my friend who was afraid that Ryan did something rude to me, because each of our basketball team scored, he looked cynical collar. At that time he came over and just smiled sarcastically, looking at the nam tag and record my school uniform with my face dimemorinya labeled, beware of the devil eyes, it cans make you feel hypnotized, hahahaha.
The third meeting occurred in a region renowned state university campus where I was and Ryan's lecture, but different majors, still one faculty (well, if I remember). It was a hot afternoon disuatu sting me and my friends went into a cafe, in addition there is need to look for material assignment in college, also made ngadem, okay go a little cool air-conditioned cafe, amid travel from campus is super hot. It was Ryan's one level upon me (loh koq can, we are different rather than the story above 2 years, the story in the first year he entered the university he was wrong department, general medicine, he said of being forced to parents that in fact both his parents are doctors). Ryan was working as a cafe operator who knows himself how the look of a cafe op (I only know after a few years we know it turns out Ryan was not op cafe but the owner), puffy eyes due to staying up almost every night shifts for night shift, he wore a sober suit, kumel, but it 'sweet Ryan basically any segondrong sekucel and fixed her hair look nice for my friends. When it was first time I actually saw Ryan, my friends who early ngecengin insisted he make to this cafe, but I do not like in this cafe, a narrow, busy main g fun lah. Op stereotype same cafe that flirtatious girls who use the cafe again made me underestimate at Ryan, his guess is bener aja, deh really think he's deliberately created problems at the computer that we use, sometimes there is trouble in my friend, sometimes dikomputerku, another ketemenku , ih annoying. But one who ga never absent from him, smiling sweetly, without conscious when I fix computer trouble, I see no hint of a small mole on the tip of a thin upper lip, sweet kyaaaa bangetz.
Day by day week by week, Ryan was in front of the cafe location pujasera ordinary kids who hang out together deket also rented house angkatanku children, a place where we always hang out clearly not finished college, slaying a friend who has a birthday, group work overtime, basecamp before leaving the survey, etc.. Because of the proximity factor of my life and the lives of Ryan's location is what makes us closer, even though I liked his lips with a mole, but it still does not make me like him. But Ryan wrote the same plate my attitude is not sympathetic to him. Ryan tetep wrote well, a faint smile sweetly, always helped me. Hahaha I'm a stupid and insensitive about what happened only just missed it, the opportunity was struck by my friend, my friend's two-out Ryan Female same. Ryan basis that can not refuse, nanggepin wrote them both. Until the end of our college level, most of which used to fit the hazing still like a huddle, at the end especially the manufacture of final project or thesis of this makes us an advanced walk alone. Starting different schedules with faculty assistance, different faculty, different purposes, etc.. Finding material for the thesis usually hang out at the library and cafe. In this period I became increasingly close to Ryan, with no friends around me when 'kuberkunjung' into place to make the focus of Ryan's just me. You know how a school with no name that can only be felt by the soul which is called love. Female process in general As we go through this process slowly and slowly, began as a mutual friend mambantu, revealed some unexpected events, such as tablets it was you ... bla bla fuck here ... blah .. Ouw you pack her son it was, blah .. bla .. bla .. You could say kebetulanlah all. Finally, we invented a few weeks after I graduated (when I was a datu level below the first Ryan had graduated compared to Ryan, while Ryan was still enjoying an extended period of thesis.) We were ordinary news events aja, ga anyone knows, the same goes also with two friends who had ngeceng now busy with the girlfriend and other gebetan. Do not know what pertimbanganku receive Ryan, who I feel comfortable just wrote to him then, no other considerations weighing head.
A few months after graduation I worked, was Ryan's getting a bit serious when finishing their thesis of the year. Actually Ryan is a smart guy, tough high school wrote it is the number one high school as our city, as well as also with his junior high and elementary schools. Just lazy are always clung his life, this is where my role as her boyfriend to always support the no tendency to intimidate or make fun laziness. Whether because of our relationship is based kumemandang of how friendship yes yes, baseball is my intention to prosecute him should act as shuttle girlfriend, do this and that. Aja is our usual pacarannya, shuttle moved to when he's not busy, come out Saturday night to eat, watch, or just play ps dirumahku when he again broke.
Six months after we invented, yipie Ryan finally graduating too, rite ya get a job after graduation. Ryan finally register disebuah company's first wireless telecommunications provider in Indonesia finally made it by getting rid of some of its competitors. And masalahpun began, he received his training in other city areas that can be taken once the road trip for 3 hours. The love that came slowly made me afraid of losing. I have not yet been afraid of long-distance relationship. Ryan has always been able to cool my head, reassuring thought when his frantic, reconcile soul wavering, could convince me about this LDR. Okay I will try, what harm in trying, for me this is where our relationship is tested to be able to ride to the next stage.
Stress of work, halting communications, wrote strange yes, in this modern era where hp is not a luxury item, send a message singkatpun could be a very cheap alternative communication was also able to make kerunyaman relationship, because of differences in the perception of an issue with the reading message.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Something About Andro meda

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