Never mind the natural surroundings, we ourselves were still many question marks. The human brain can be likened to a computer processor. The difference is, processor performance can be described in logic, while our brains are not.
There are ten mystery that still surrounds the ins and outs of the human brain. Scientists are still trying to find scientific explanations. But still the mystery of God's creation is the secret of life exceptional. Here are 10 mysteries surrounding the human brain that we experience everyday, but still we are unable to find the cause.
1. AwarenessWhen you wake up in the morning, we woke up from sleep. Enjoy the sunshine of the crack in the window, nan cool morning air, and so on. We call it consciousness. This field, which triggers diverse topics discussed scientists since ancient times. Experts describe the latest neurological consciousness as a realistic research topic.
2. Frozen LifeEternal life is only present in the human imagination. But scientists have found cryonic, findings which could make the human being has two lives. One of the central cryonic is Alcor Life Extension Foundation in Arizona, which stores the living body in a tube containing liquid nitrogen with a temperature of 320 fahrenheit minud.
The idea is that people who have died from the disease will be thawed and revived in the future when the disease can be cured. body of Ted Williams, the famous baseball players are stored here. Because the technology has not been found, the revival has not been done. but his body has been "melted" with the right temperature so that the cells freeze and break.
3. Mystery DeathHow does one become old? humans are born with the body's mechanism that is able to survive the disease. That's why the wound can heal itself Wanta treated. But along with increased age, the mechanism is decreased. why is that? There are two theoretical explanations. First, aging is part of human genetics. Kedia, aging is a result of the body's cells are damaged.
4. VS Natural CareThe debate about the human mind and personality is still struggling between two things above. Personality and human thought is said to be controlled by genes or environment? Or it could be both? There is still no consensus among scientists about this.
5. Triggers BrainLaughter is the least understood of human behaviors. The scientists found that during laughter, there are three parts of the brain involved. First, the part that thinks before we understand a joke. Second, the area that tell muscles to move for us to do something. Then an emotional area that inspires feelings of amusement.
John Morreall, humor research scientist from the College of William and Mary, found that laughter is the response that do not play on the story line with expectations. Laughter also can spread to others.
6. MemorySome unforgettable experiences, otherwise we would often forget the important things. How did that happen? using brain imaging techniques, scientists have discovered a mechanism that is responsible for the creation and storage memory. they found the hippocampus and gray matter of the brain that acts as a memory box. But why is there a memory that is memorable and dipukana, still remain a mystery.
7. Biological clockThe brain also has a nucleus suprachiasmatic nucleus aka biological clock. This section to program the body to the rhythm of the next 24 hours. Biological clock also adjust the body temperature, sleep wake cycle, also the production of the hormone melatonin. Last debate is whether melatonin supplements can prevent jet lag?
8. Haunted FeelingsAn estimated 80 percent of the sensation of experience including itchy, depressed, comfortable and pain came from the missing body parts. There are people who experienced the tidka their organs are visible but can feel. One explanation is the presence of nerve areas in one of the organs of the body that creates new konseksi the spinal cord and continue to send signals to the brain.
9. SleepWhy do humans need sleep? Scientists understand that all mammals need sleep enough. Not enough sleep will cause prolonged halunisasi even death. There are two levels of sleep, the sleep of non-rapid eye movement (NREM), occurs during brain showed low metabolic activity. Then the levels of rapid eye movement sleep (REM), when the brain is still quite active.
10. DreamApart from sleep, the dream is also a mystery. Chances are, dreaming is an exercise that stimulates brain synap traffic between brain cells. Another theory says humans dream about tasks and emotions that were not considered as long as they awake in the daytime.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
10 Human Brain Mysteries unsolved

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